Today (28th October 2012) at Freedom Life we prayed for Yanis, a man we met at the Conscious Living Expo. In response to Tony’s word of knowledge about back and leg problems he came forward for a miracle. Sure enough, his right leg was 2cm shorter than his left – a noticeable difference. As he stood and he shifted his weight from leg to leg and we could see his head bob as he did so.

So we sat him down and commanded the right leg to grow out in Jesus’ name but to no avail. We got him to walk around and come back to see if that changed anything, but it didn’t. After praying again with no results he then explained the situation. Years ago he’d had something wrong with his left leg (I think it was significantly longer than it now was) and surgeons removed his left thigh bone, cut a bit off at each end and also cut it mid-way so they could change the bone length and estimating how long it should be. The leg healed but was 2cm longer than intended and he has lived with the problem since. Nothing had been done to his right leg. Armed with this new knowledge we realised the LEFT leg needed change, not the RIGHT leg. So we commanded it to shrink and be healed, to be set correctly and align in Jesus’ name. Sure enough, over the next minute the leg slid back most of the way – he got up, tested it and felt the difference. There was still 5mm to go so we thanked God for His work and declared 100% healing and it slid back right in line. He walked again and also tested shifting his weight and it was completely normal. He had back pain from it all so we prayed for that a couple of times and it was almost completely gone. After the service I spoke with him for over half an hour and he commented that when standing for that long he would normally notice some back pain but now not so!

On a personal note, I’d heard too many stories about legs grown and never had the chance to pray for it myself, so I was super excited to pray for this guy. Honestly, after praying the second time and nothing happened I thought “something’s not right here, this is supposed to work – even if I’ve never done it before!” and it was amusing how once we’d actually found out what was wrong then we saw results – pays to listen, right?

Praise God for His faithfulness and His mercy and patience. Thank-you Lord for your loving kindness towards everyone and for choosing to partner with us to see Your kingdom come. May we never forget your awesome works and declare Your goodness all of our days.

Written by Simon.
